Protect Software



Partner CategoryTechnology Solutions Provider


Company Profile

  • Protect Software GmbH, based in Dortmund, Germany, and incorporated in 2004, is one of the world leading companies for secure distribution of software, video and data.
  • Solutions range from copy protection and “digital copy” systems for DVD and BluRay to electronic download and IPTV solutions. A special focus is transcoding between different audio and video formats and integration of multiple devices and DRM systems under one easy to use interface.
  • Protect Software customers range from Major Hollywood Studios over global carriers to CE device manufacturers.

Key MPP Focus

  • The key focus of Protect Software as a Marlin partner is to enable current and future customers to use Marlin in context with other DRM systems through an easy to use set of common components.

Marlin Solutions

  • LiveDigitalCopy enables end users to create rights owner controlled “digital copies” from DVD and BluRay discs to a variety of devices with different video formats and DRM standards including Marlin.
  • ACE fluxDVD enables end users under a content owner license to export movies from the fluxDVD format to a variety of devices with different video for Protect Software mats and DRM standards including Marlin.
  • ACE fluxWMV enables end users under a content owner license to export video from the WMV format to a variety of devices with different video formats and DRM standards including Marlin.
  • MpDRM is a content independent DRM system that allows the export into almost any other widely used DRM system including Marlin.




[email protected]

Protect Software GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 2
44227 Dortmund Germany

