Marlin DRM FAQ

Learn more about content security principles, differences between conditional access systems (CAS) and digital rights management (DRM), DRM license mechanics, Marlin DRM, and more.

How do I protect digital video distribution and over-the-top (OTT) streaming services?

What is encrypted digital media?

Why were conditional access systems (CAS) created, and how has content security evolved?

What is digital rights management (DRM)?

How is DRM different from CAS?

How does a typical DRM license mechanism work?

How is DRM different from stand-alone AES encryption?

How can I protect multi-screen OTT streaming and why are there several DRMs?

What is Marlin DRM and how is it different?

What is MovieLabs and its Enhanced Content Protection specification?

How do set-top box chipsets enable protection of premium Ultra HD content?

What is the difference between software-based and hardware-based security?